Monday, July 16, 2007

Let's aim high!!!!

Today is my first day of learning Commercial Law. Remind me of what my teacher quotes

"If you aim for 100, you might fair around 90.. if you aim for 50.. you might get below that and fail.. so let's aim high"

Well, in fact I am aiming for graduating my degree with Higher Distinction. So I guess I will try to manage my time properly and works towards it.

My law lecturer is quite good. She pay attention to details and her english is very very clear. No strong Australian ascent.. which is good for me.

I guess I will have to buy my prescribe text book tomorrow. Lecturer kept mention a lot of pages in the text book and now I have nothing to refer to yet.

I've been quite disciplined with my own determinations anyway. I spend my Sunday just reading up and revising most of my statistics lecture notes and sourcing out more details explanation on the topic over the net. Now at least I can say I understand certain part I've covered a few days ago.

Hope I do well.. And I will..

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