Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friends forever

"Friends forever". I guess this is the kind of statement, that we made quite easily when we were young. And it is all sounds so nice and touching. But as we grow older, sometimes being friend with friends is not as easy as it sounds I guess. Especially for the two friends to be really care for each other through ups and downs. I am pondering over those words. And to me, I felt in my life some friends will be really friends forever. No matter what has happened. No matter how's life turn out to be. I am agree that sometimes it's hard for the two friends to accept the same point of view or always can click with each others.

As I grow older, I came to accept at times friends do quarrel among each other. Friends may have totally differing opinions. Sometimes really on each other nerves. Despite saying all these, some friends will always be in my heart no matter what. I know and appreciate their good intention, even admist the heated argument over opposing view. I can feel which friend do care about me even if they don't spell it out. I know which friends are being my friends in my life because they really intend to be friend with me when we get to know each other.

For these friends out there... Even when we don't get to talk to each other, I will still remember about them. Even if we have very different personality, I will still try to appreciate for who they are. Even if we quarrel, I will tend to ponder their point of view after some time. And I do really happy and appreciate for how they are and what they did for me because I can still clearly see they have some good intentions in everything that they do.

And I think those friends are the friends I can say they are my friends forever. I don't expect them to be by my side whole life as friends. But they are those friends who will be in my heart and memories forever. Those friends who made a great impact in my life and those I can vividly remember for who they are, rather than how they might appear to be.

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